6 Things You Need To Know About Safe Spray Pest Control

Kunal K Saer
4 min readApr 13, 2022


The early summer and spring seasons are the bringing of pests. However, for eliminating pests and insects, pesticides sprays are beneficial. The modern tools and sprays help in preventing pests from your property. As insecticide sprays carry toxins, you must use them safely. Moreover, improper pesticide spraying by self in the garden area may reduce the yield of plants. So, you must have proper knowledge of pesticides before using them. In this blog, you will find the best safe spray pest control tips. Let’s begin.

Must-Know 6 Tips On Safe Spray Pest Control

  • Know the difference between pesticide sprays: Pesticides are one of the most important elements in pest control Geelong. Some pesticides spray are fungicides, herbicides and many more. However, for safe spray pest control, you must know their difference. There are two types of pesticides sprays:
  1. Contact insecticide: contact insecticides are usually used to target pests. Furthermore, some pests are ants, wasps, spiders etc. However, contact insecticide is not used for pests in gardens. Contact insecticide is mainly for killing uninvited pests.
  2. Systemic insecticides: Systemic insecticides are common for spraying on plants. Basically, systemic insecticides are for the insects that feed on plants.
  • Decide if any insecticide spray is necessary: Different pests require different treatment or control. However, every pest spray should be safely used for particular insects. You should never use a spray that you don’t know about. In that case, of urgency, you call professional experts for eliminating pests. But if you’re doing it yourself you should decide on the insecticide spray. Thus, always remember large pest infestation requires safe and proper insecticide spray. On the other hand, a light infestation can be controlled without spray.
  • Choose the right pesticides to spray: For safe spray pest control you should select the right pesticides. If you have a pest infestation in your house. Then the first thing you must check is what type of insects you have. So, after detecting the infestation, find the proper insecticide spray for them. However, using the wrong spray for a particular insect can be harmful. Always remember to apply branded or labelled pesticide sprays. As fake sprays will only affect two or three pests. Therefore, always remember to check pest product labels before use. Then after selecting the insecticide, the location is the most important thing. Moreover, which family member would be placed in the spray zone is also important. Is the particular spray for indoor or outdoor use? Is insecticide spray safe for kids or not? You must check the above question while applying the spray.

After checking all the above things, consider the spray formula. Is the spray ready to use or require any mixing? Is the spray chemical-free or not? Thereby choosing the proper insecticide while considering the above questions.

  • Spray pesticides at the correct season and time: For safe spray pest control, the right time is also important. Timing plays a very important role when it’s to spraying pesticides. Regardless, some pests react during specific times or seasons. For example, moths are active during early June or August. Therefore, moth spraying is correct during June. However, if you spray insecticide in April for “moths”. Then it will act as an ineffective insecticide spray. Moreover, wind or rain is also not the correct time for spraying insecticide. Even spraying insecticide during storms will be harmful to the environment. Therefore, avoid spraying pesticides on rainy or windy days. Thus, a calm day is the best option for safe spray pest control. Therefore, keep the above months in mind for safe spray pest control.
  • Don’t overdo or take precautions: Be it organic or chemical insecticide, it is always a little or more toxic. Experts even suggest using the insecticide spray only when it’s urgently required. Moreover, do not use the insecticide spray in sensitive areas of the home. Wear proper and safe clothing, including gloves and safety kits while spraying. As spray can cause rashes or many other reactions on your skin. If by mistake, insecticide gets into your eyes, immediately wash it with water. Your eyes may burn till 20 minutes after washing, if it still does not stop- take medical help.
  • Store or dispose of pesticides safely: Storing or disposing of pesticides is equally important as safe spray pest control. However, in some pesticides, directions and terms to use are already mentioned. On the other hand, some brands don’t mention the pesticide’s directions. Therefore, always place insecticides away from kids and pets. Moreover, pesticide spray is always kept away from food. Even, follow all the directions labelled on the spray product. Critically never throw the insecticide in the flush or kitchen sink.


Pesticides are made to kill uninvited and risky pests. Using essential pesticides can kill household pests like cockroaches, rats, spiders and many more. However, using the spray properly is a very essential thing. Nevertheless for safe spray pest control, report to experts. Hiring a licensed expert will be beneficial while removing pests. As professionals are trained in eliminating pests.

Moreover, they have full knowledge of using insecticides safely. Even specialists know which spray is best suited for particular pests. Experts know which process or method is right for treating pests. Even specialists know the correct time and directions for using pesticides safely. So, if you are confused about using safe spray pest control. Well, just appoint a professional for termite control Melbourne.



Kunal K Saer

Hi, I Shubh Rajput I am a blogger and I find my profession very creative and fun. I find it very easy to get things to people.