How to detect plumbing water leaks?

Kunal K Saer
4 min readJun 1, 2021


Water is one of the most valuable natural resources. Every home depends on it for cooking, cleaning, and other purposes. However, plumbing water leaks can cause a great deal of inconvenience. These can lead to extensive water damages and an increase in water bills. However, detecting these leaks is of paramount importance. If these remain hidden, you can suffer from more damages that can lead to the loss of more money.

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Tips to detect plumbing water leaks

There are various methods that you use to detect plumbing water leaks. In an effort to help you out, we have made a list of the most popular ways.

Check the water meter

One of the simplest ways to detect plumbing water leaks is to monitor the water meter. For this, firstly, you must switch off all the water-based appliances and fixtures in the house. Then, check the meter and note down the numbers. Wait for one hour and then check the meter again. If there is a change in the number, then your plumbing system must be leaking.

Keep an eye on the water bill

Water bills mostly follow a definite pattern. If you have not changed your water habits recently, then the bill should be within the expected range. If you find some unexpected hikes, then you must take action immediately. Try to look out for obvious symptoms. If you are unable to locate the leak, then you must take the help of professionals. They can use advanced plumbing tools to find the leak and fix the issue.

Apply the dye test

If you are unable to find the plumbing water leaks, then you can opt for the dye test. For this, you will just have to grab some food color. Pour a few drops into the tank and wait for some time. If you see the color in the bowl, then that means the toilet tank leaks. While there are some DIY tips that you can follow, calling in the experts is the best solution.

Check the faucets

Most often, faucets are culprits of water leaks. Various reasons can lead to this leakage. Damaged washers, worn-out O-rings, and many other causes can explain the leak. However, these are easy to fix and need the assistance of basic plumbing tools.

Opt for a visual inspection

The best way to detect plumbing water leaks is to conduct a visual inspection. Check out all the water-based appliances and see if there is any leak. Moreover, look out for any weird sound or discoloration. Furthermore, if there is a burst pipe, you must take action immediately. With periodical visual inspections, there are chances of diagnosing the leak before it becomes an issue.

Keep your senses alert

There are various symptoms that you can diagnose if you just remain alert. For instance, if you suddenly get a musty odor, that could lead to a potential wart leak. Moreover, if you hear a dripping sound, then it could also be a leak. If you see black spots on the wall, then be careful! These can be patches of mold and mildew. These can cause health issues to your family members, especially if they have allergies. Other visible signs include discoloration of the wall, bulging wallpaper, warped floorboards, etc.

Observe greener grass patches

Another way to detect plumbing water leaks is to check out the backyard or lawn. While wanting a green lawn is not absurd, suddenly seeing a greener patch is cause for concern. A sudden green spot in the otherwise plain lawn can indicate a water leak. There might be damage to the underground pipe. Moreover, you can also see puddles of water if the leak is too big.

Having plumbing water leaks? Attain professional aid now!

Various causes can lead to plumbing water leaks. However, detecting them at an early stage is of immense importance. If they remain hidden for long, then you can encounter water damage. It can lead to further loss of money in the form of repairs and water bills. That is why you must get in touch with the experts as soon as possible.

Plumber Newtown Sydney Team offers different types of plumbing services. Our team of reliable plumbers, technicians, and gas fitters has the necessary skill and expertise needed to handle various scenarios. Moreover, we use high-quality tools and materials. Furthermore, we charge attractive price rates and are open at all hours. Just contact us, and we will be right there!



Kunal K Saer

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