How to Install a Solar Hot Water Heating System

Kunal K Saer
3 min readMay 1, 2021


Do you want to install a solar hot water system? Before you make that decision, you must know the installation process and understand the various aspects. If you know about this process in detail, you will have a better understanding of the system. Here, you must keep in mind that the solar hot water system is a sensitive appliance. Thus, you must take the aid of professionals when it comes to installation.

Steps to install the solar hot water system

There are numerous steps that you can follow to install the solar hot water system. Here, you must keep into account that though the exact precise steps can be different, the overall concept remains the same. Check the steps listed here.

hot water installation blacktown nsw

· Place solar collectors on the roof

The foremost step is to place the solar collectors on the roof. Make sure that they are flat on the roof while mounting them. For this, the installer might need to take off parts of the shingling in the roof. After finding a suitable place, fastening the collectors and screwing them takes place.

· Install the storage tanks

The largest component of the hot water system, the tank, must be installed with precision. These installations occur in the closet or the basement, depending on the antifreeze tubing and water supply lines.

However, you must clean the place efficiently before installing the tank. Make sure that there is ample space for inspection in case of repair and maintenance.

· Install the piping systems

To make sure that the antifreeze fluid circulates efficiently, flexible piping needs to be installed. Here, the installer will have to make holes in the roof deck to make sure that there is enough space for the antifreeze piping paths. One of the holes is to make room for the piping that will send the antifreeze fluid to the collectors. And, the other one is to bring the fluid down. Moreover, it is easy to cover the holes as they are not more than the diameter of the pipe.

· Get the water transport lines

It is vital that there is water circulation through the solar hot water system. The water transport supply lines must be connected from the storage tank to all the faucets that you want in your home. It is highly likely that your home already has water distribution lines. The only thing that your installer will have to do is check the connection and connect it to the new tank.

· Install the control systems

There are two separate temperature sensors that need to be installed with the hot water system. In this case, one of the sensors is connected to the collectors and the other is placed at the base of the tank. These connect to the primary control system and offer guidance on the circulation of antifreeze fluid.

However, installation of the central control system is vital. It is connected to the electricity supply of your property. Moreover, with updated information as per the temperature sensors, this device can pump the antifreeze fluid.

· Insulate the hot water system

The last step in the installation of the hot water system is to insulate all the parts. After insulating the pipings, the installer will make sure that the connections that lie between the components remain sealed. Moreover, it is vital to note that the insulation is done to prevent the loss of energy.

Want to install the solar hot water system? Attain expert assistance now!

There are various reasons that can explain why the installation of the solar hot water system is beneficial. These conserve energy and reduce the carbon footprint. Moreover, you can also save your utility bill with the usage of the solar system. You must always take the aid of experts when it comes to the proper installation of the appliance. They know how to deal with the potential issues with efficiency.

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Kunal K Saer

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