How to Replace a Toilet Wax Seal?

Kunal K Saer
4 min readJun 1, 2021


Did you know that toilets have a wax ring at the base? Yes! It is the wax ring that creates a watertight seal, thereby keeping the toilet floors dry. It is located between the sewer pipe and the toilet. Usually, the wax ring can last for a long period without even primary maintenance. However, with the passage of time, the wax ring can degrade. In that case, it is vital to replace it. Now, there are some DIY steps that you can follow to make the replacement yourself. But, if you are not too confident or don’t have the necessary tools, you can call in the experts.

How to Replace a Toilet Wax Seal-Plumbers Today Sydney

Why is Wax Used As a Key Ingredient in The Development of The Ring?

In order to develop the wax ring, wax is put in a loop surrounding the plastic tube. The main reason why wax is used is that it can take any shape when poured on any object. Moreover, wax is naturally resistant to bacteria and mold. Furthermore, it has the power to retain the waterproof seal for numerous years.

Tools need to replace the toilet wax ring

For efficient replacement of the wax ring, you must collect –

  • Towels
  • Bucket
  • Putty knife
  • Adjustable wrench

Steps to replace the toilet wax seal

There are multiple steps that one must follow to replace the toilet wax seal. Check them out here to know more.

Step 1: Switch off the water supply

Firstly, you must remember to turn off the water supply. For this, you must locate the isolation valve. It is easy to turn it off by hand, but sometimes years of unused can jam it. Instead, you can just turn off the main water supply.

Step 2: Flush the toilet

After this, you must flush the toilet. It is to make sure that the water is removed from the tank and bowl as much as possible. For this, you can use a plunger, or you can go the conventional route. Take a towel and start removing water by dipping it and then wrenching it outside. You can also get help from Professional Toilet Repairs Sydney plumbers.

Step 3: Disconnect the water line

In this step, disconnect the water supply line, which is present at the toilet tank bottom. Keep in mind that there will be some water that comes out from the line. In that case, you can use a bucket to store it.

Step 4: Unfasten the toilet

For this, firstly, eliminate the caps that cover the bolts. After that, unfasten these bolts with the adjustable wrench. Now, shake the toilet gently to loosen it even more. Then, hold it tightly and move it out.

Step 5: Remove the existing wax ring

After the toilet is removed, you will be able to see the old wax ring. With the use of a putty knife, scrape it away. The wax ring is present at both the toilet flanger and the base. Make sure that the flange is completely dry before putting the new wax seal.

Step 6: Install the new wax ring

Here, you must follow the instructions for the wax ring you have purchased. Now, you must center the wax ring carefully. After that, you must lower the toilet making sure that the flange holes align with the base bolt holes of the toilet.

Step 7: Compress the wax seal

Now, sit down on the toilet lid. In order to compress the wax seal, you must exert your body weight. For this, you can start shifting a little bit.

Step 8: Reassemble the components

Now, you must screw the bolt and cap covers again. After that, reconnect the water supply line and turn on the water supply. Make sure that you flush it a few times to see if there is any sign of leakage.

Having toilet issues? Get professional aid now!

There are various toilet issues that can lead to different consequences. One of the most common problems includes the degradation of the wax ring. With time, the wax can dry out, leading to it crumbling. You must take note of the issue and opt for expert assistance, keep in mind that delaying the problem can lead to flooding.

Plumber North Shore team offers different types of plumbing services. We have a team of expert plumbers and technicians who can deal with various crises with ease. Moreover, they have the technical training and experience to back up their skills. Furthermore, we use high-quality tools and charge attractive price rates. You can avail of our services at all hours. Just give us a call, and we will be right there!



Kunal K Saer

Hi, I Shubh Rajput I am a blogger and I find my profession very creative and fun. I find it very easy to get things to people.