What Shouldn’t Go Down Your Kitchen Sink

Kunal K Saer
3 min readJun 22, 2021


A kitchen jam is one of the most common and annoying problems you can have around the house. It happens from time to time, seriously interfering with your daily chores. Fortunately, there are much cheaper and easier ways to fix the problem than to call a plumber. Therefore, We have collected simple and safe remedies for you to unblock traffic jams in your kitchen sink.

Image Source:- https://mobileplumber.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Best-Plumber.png

Use vinegar and baking soda

Vinegar and baking soda are the two most used ingredients in the world when it comes to draining the removal of traffic jams in the kitchen. This is a quick and easy fix and you may not even have to spend a dime as you most likely already have these ingredients in the kitchen.

  • Pour boiling water down the drain.
  • Then add 0.5–1 cup of baking soda and let it sit for a few minutes.
  • Now mix boiling water and vinegar in a 1: 1 ratio and pour it over the baking soda.
  • Cover the drain for the mixture to work. You can use a stopper, plunger, or anything else — just remember not to let it out.
  • Finally, pour another cup of hot water inside. Perfect!

Clean the curved tube

If the chemical reactions don’t work, some physical removal may be required. The curved pipe under the sink that can collect grease and small debris could be very clogged. Thanks to its shape, it becomes the cause of most traffic jams in the kitchen.

Use a drainage “snake”.

Did you put the curved tube back? No? So wait a minute. This is the perfect time to use a drainage snake.

Now take a Plumbing snake used by the plumbers and start inserting it into the pipe that goes into the wall, with rotating movements. If you think there is an obstacle, try to go ahead: this may not be the traffic jam that generates the problem.

If the snake runs into something and will not go further easily, you will have found the point where the traffic jam does not allow passage. Continue to rotate the snake to break the obstruction and overcome it.

After that, pull it back. Clean the snake and try again.

Eliminate the traffic jam with a hanger

  • Get a hanger and pliers.
  • Unfold the hook and straighten it with your hands and pliers.
  • Use the pliers to create a kind of handle at the end — you will need to rotate the handmade snake.
  • That’s all! Now you can use it as a normal drainage snake.

Aspire the traffic jam

This has probably never occurred to you, but in reality, this procedure is quite as useful as the previous ones. An important note to remember: you can’t do this with every vacuum cleaner, just a wet vacuum cleaner. Also, remember that you may need help doing all of this.

  • Prepare rugs and towels, as well as a bucket, to cover and clean the area, as there may be splashes.
  • Insert the hose into the drain hole and connect to the electrical outlet.
  • Turn on the vacuum cleaner and listen to the sound; if the blockage is there, it will be different from when the machine sucks only the air by itself.

The above methods to clean the sink seem like a nightmare to some of you. Hence, you can get in touch with an Emergency Plumber in Sydney and stay at peace towards your plumbing woes.



Kunal K Saer

Hi, I Shubh Rajput I am a blogger and I find my profession very creative and fun. I find it very easy to get things to people.